exhibition, and we call here during our interview that investors from the owners of real estate projects and tourism that iPhoto this opportunity as it whenever register early for this event as enjoy the sites characteristic of the exhibition, and can be as well as any inquiries on the nature of this show before giving us a direct view of the approval or not, and proudly, all media is owned by the group, and this standpoint, the (cities) After signing Convention relating to the strategic partnership between the (cities) and (investor) also came to financing the real estate and real estate development above-mentioned above, providing (cities) experience of media which are part of a plan of any project investment real estate or tourism, and this requires pumping money in millions and is dedicated to promoting Special information marketing established real estate Oowalsiahip and usually this is what might be tired of the hand, investment and especially in the beginning, but in case the assigned this work to the (cities) to be so provided crew media specialist in promoting the marketing of real estate through its network wide media as well as call center, which working within the system to achieve a policy goal in the fastest time. And all what has he mentioned about the services to be provided pre-start in marketing real estate in terms of the identification number the facility investment, whether a tourist or real estate beginning emblem and models of design units and ad campaigns specialized television and radio and press in addition to their presence and participation in real estate exhibitions aimed not at the residence of the project. Investment only but in the target customer as well and here comes the resolution to the point of owning any project investment, whether real estate Oosiahi if interested in this service is of the seven stars, which summarizes a lot a lot of valuable time in the most important part to be in the life of the investor in any sector was a kind, the cities boasts as the first of its kind to have this episode the most important, namely, marketing and related items should also be noted also that our media has contributed directly in the provision of information services and integrated solutions tripartite own such as finance and provide constructive ideas and for the most important real estate projects tourism in the UAE, which proudly cost us partially for this work Alistmthari Giant and paid our study and the solutions that we have made successes of a witness to us of this, note that this project exceeds the value of the implementation of college more than AED 60 billion and we would like here to draw the attention of our readers, whether they are investors or researchers to what has been explained through this dialogue with glue your magazine is not only the monitoring of the dialogue, but that fact we have to conclude agreements with the actual quality and views, for example, and not exclusively to the vaccine project blogger recently.
What do you think the most important features from other cities?
It is known that businessmen and investors who work in the field of real estate and tourism are facing some serious difficulties in the implementation of the project idea, which may sometimes cause the failure of the entire project. From here we decided to be a three businesses within one company and can call (towns) named three dimensions of real estate solutions and that for their (cities) of the solutions, an important consideration with any investor initially, which provides the investor the trouble of moving from service to other objects and in one side of the deal, as well as to prevent the waste of time, which may lead to project failure, drug Fmdain progress as we mentioned earlier the necessary funding for the project in accordance with certain conditions also contribute to the development of investment projects, whether real estate or tourism. Finally working on the marketing of these projects through its system of integrated information to break the project into the light, and this model in your work performance does not exist in the Middle East.
How do you see the future of cities to the property?
We can proudly say that the cities property is a unique facility of its kind in the Middle East, and the services provided financing, development and marketing makes it a leader in this area, which is rare and there is unprecedented anywhere in the region. The towns invested capital of a major to appreciate this quality service, also has crew job experience and high-efficiency and highly skilled in accomplishing the tasks entrusted to it, as we have stated, the company currently has more than 4 offices in the Gulf states, but we plan by the end of 2007, God willing , to raise the number of such offices to 12 offices spread in the rest of the Persian Gulf and the Arab States and in London, United Kingdom. And to provide a broader and more comprehensive service to our customers.