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Top 10 Saudi Emirati Cities Voting Program 30-05-2021 - 30-11-2021
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Date: 20/01/2020 Reference: BFG 03
To: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Board of Directors of the Business and Finance Group (BFG) established in 1985 to develop investment would like to present its best greetings. Its Business and Finance Club Magazine, based in Dubai Media City since 2003 serves as its economic media arm. We are honored to present this letter to you. It includes an outline of an extraordinary initiative, which we hope to be given your kind attention. According to the letter, BFG cooperates with Dubai Investment Development Agency (Dubai FDI) (an agency of Dubai Economy in its capacity as the official strategic partner), Investment Corporation of Dubai (general strategic partner), Council of Saudi Chambers (media partner) and Dubai Chamber of Commerce (strategic supporter). As most business sectors suffer some delays due to COVID-19 Pandemic, BFG re-launches phase 1 of the largest economic event in the world, whose activities would last for a whole year under the name: #72 Hours SaudiEmirati Program for Wealth Creation and Marketing Investment Opportunities and Multi Road Shows 2021/2022. The event comesas an extension to the journey of achievements accomplished by the economic our media arm, which receivesgenerous Saudi sponsorship and strategic partnerships of Saudi, GCC and world ministries and agencies through implementing our projects under their umbrella,the most important of whichis the implementation of Top 100 Gulf Companies Project in its 20th session sponsored by Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, the Saudi National Education and Guiding Program for Travelers (You are the Most Important) for the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Saudi Book Project with the Ministry of Information.
The previous event was the Eighty-ThreeYear Saudi-AmericanInvestment DevelopmentProgram under official US sponsorship. It achieved the desired goals of marketing investment opportunities between giant American entitieswith their Saudi counterparts from both the public and private sectors. Celebrating the 25-year Silver Jubilee since the launch of our magazine, BFG launches this initiative to strengthen the Saudi-Emaratiqualitative unity, which its local and global investments exceed $250 billion. Furthermore, the launch of this initiative comes in support of the highly anticipated global event, Expo 2020 Dubai and projects of Saudi Vision 2030. It also acts as a tool for achieving objectives of the Saudi-Emirati Coordination Council (SECC) aiming to support the development of the Saudi-Emirati economyranked 16th as a shared economy. This event also serves as a major cornerstone for the tasks of the Saudi-Emirati Business Council at its upcoming launch.
This event culminates the strategy recently launched by His Royal Highness, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, to make the Saudi capital, Riyadh, one of the ten largest city economies in the world, as Riyadh is a gigantic economical, industrial and touristic qualitative gathering. One of the most important objectives of this joint qualitative event for BFG is to harvest the benefits of more than sixteen months in monitoring, analyzing and creatingmore than 6,000 Saudi-Emirati investment opportunitiesin the public and private sectors. They are counted and identified according to the sectors of the program, with a total value estimated at more than $120 billion. They will be presented with the aim of interactively marketing them via the Saudi-Emirati Business Platform. They will also be marketed at the field level through a 12-month multi road shows program. We hope the event would host more than 2000 investment personalities monthly from both countries and from

abroad based on the results of the registration. The investments of both countries cover 12 economic sectors identified by the program are as follows:
- Investmentand free zones
- Sustainability Projects
- Manufacturing Industry
- Energy and Mining
- Transportation and Logistics
- Banking and Financial Transactions
- Communications and Technology
- Education
- Tourism, Entertainment and Sport Projects
- Retailing, Food and Luxuries
- Contracting, Real Estate Development and Marketing
- Health and its requirements
It should be noted that the activities of this event include seven pivotal phases. It has been taken into consideration that each phase simulates one of the needs of market orientation. In parallel, the program allows the engagement and participation of the largest possible number of investment entities from both the public and private sectors in both countries. In a quantum leap, the program also allows the registration and participation of regional and international entities through the program's URL link outlined in phase 1 in the program agenda elements attached to this letter. Users can benefit from the following services offered by the program:
- Saudi-Emirati Business Platform, a sustainable field interactive platform.
- Marketing the existing investment opportunities of the participating entities through the interactive and road shows program
- Issuing licenses and commercial records (free of charge) in exchange for opening branches for the facility and representing it commercially in the country of the other party
- Establishing partnerships with the other party in any of the two countries
- Exchanging of commercial agencies of entitiesbetween the two countries
- Informational and promotional inclusion in the international # 72 hours Saudi-Emirati Concierge Manual
- Specialized promotional gifts bag.
This qualitative event will attract a large number of businessmen and businesswomen investors, including citizens and different nationalities residing in the United Arab Emirates and abroad, whether individuals or entities, wishing to extend their investments in particular within the scope ofthe nominated Saudi cities. This coincides with the launch of the multi-media campaign for the activities of this event, which includes many phases. Phase 1 is the interactive technical voting campaign for the candidate Saudi citiesas the most attractive for investment, in parallel with the candidate UAE cities.
Phase 2 is to promote the nominated Saudi citiesthrough the special publications program and the accompanying local and regional program as indicated in the programdigital and printed agenda attached to our letter. We hope Riyadh Chamber would support this joint national initiative through forwarding a general letter to all subscribers of Riyadh Chamberurging them to support

their candidate city through technical voting via the Saudi-Emirati Interactive Business Platform, the first business platform in the Middle East. The Platform technically connects businesspersons and investors from both countries in a sustainable way, using a high privacy and security technology on a 24/7 basis. The aim is to offer them all the investment opportunities they wish to market, to enter into partnerships, to exercise commercial representation, to incorporate commercial agencies, to market their products, or to select any of the program’s other services in an interactive manner with other businesspersons in both countries and abroad. This will contribute to advancing the economy and more widely promoting the Saudi and Emirati entities. This will also provide the participants the opportunity be familiar with the nature of business and trade exchange between both countries. This paradigm shift is a proactive step in preparation for attending activities of the Multiple Field Visits Program. Its activities will be launched simultaneously with the commencement of Expo 2020 Dubai, UAE. We are looking forward that Riyadh Chamber provide the investors with non-expendable qualitative services within the scope of your candidate city, following the example of the exceptional services exclusively provided by the Registration and Licensing Department of Riyadh Economy to investors wishing to invest in Riyadh through this programandin an exceptional an exceptional move that complements phase 2 which aims to duplicate the activities of this event. Contributing to the activities of this event, BFG presented a list of top 100 Saudi-Emirati companies, which constitute 70% of the main list taken from the list of Top 100 Gulf companies developed by BFG for 24 years and their annual sales exceed $200 billion. Coping with this, the Program developed an agenda detailing the event’s activities as per phase 7 included in the program’s agendaas developed from the first agenda provided to the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs (You are the most important).The agenda was printed and digital manual that considered the major multi-services informational and promotional reference for both countries.
Based on the foregoing, we are looking forward to sending a letter to the Saudi entities registered in Riyadh Chamber based within the nominated Saudi cities wishing to market their investment opportunities or promote any of the services offered by their entities. This requires the already participating entities to fill out the form of voting for the top 10 Saudi-Emirati Cities on the following link…….. and affect the required services.
The program will include the information of those subscribing to any of the services (free of charge) within the program agenda known as the #72 Hours SaudiEmirati Traveler Guide in exchange for voting for their candidate city. In conjunction with the near launch of the technical voting campaign via the Saudi-Emirati Business Platform, BFG has produced the first metal magnetic postage stamp that contains the name of the candidate city, logo of the Saudi Vision 2030 and logo of Expo 2020. Work is underway to produce more than one million magnetic stamps to promote and introduce the candidate Saudi and Emirati Cities as investment attractive cities and to be generally distributed to all participating entities and employees of the chambers of commerce, economic departments, airports, embassies and consulates of both countries worldwide.This coincide with the Saudi National Day and the UAE National Day 2021-2022. The program has also produced about 100,000 smart office base as the first high-tech Saudi-Emirati product that symbolizes national and economic unity. It is specially manufactured to celebrate the 90th Saudi National Day and the 50th UAE National Day. Each office model contains 10 important high quality promotional elements.The Smart office baseswill be distributed to official entities and all strategic partners and entitiesparticipating in the voting

campaign (free of charge) as specified in clause 7 of the agenda of events. The program will also provide the entities participating in the voting with quality regional and global services for a year as per the benefits included in the registration category contractof the entityattached to our letter, too. In a gratitude for the moral support that will be provided by Riyadh Chamber for making this phase successful, BFG will employ 100 national cadres of both sexes to work remotely from each candidate city with the aim to support the national human development, particularly the implementation of the phases 1 and 2.
There is no doubt that this will qualify national cadres to know the importance of creating competitiveness among the top 10 Saudi-Emirati cities and be familiar with the most important investment sectors therein. This will also qualify them for leadership positions within the local entities and allow them to benefit from the funds provided by the program in exchange for implementing the technical voting mechanism with customers of their region via the Saudi-Emirati Business Platform for the five Saudi candidate cities, namely: Riyadh, Jeddah, Neom, Dammam and Northern Borders. From this standpoint, we are honored to strengthen the relationship with Riyadh Chamberthrough signing the memorandum of understanding and the strategic partnership contract,given that Riyadh Chamber manages the Saudi economy in various fields.
In consideration, your entity will attend all activities of the event as a strategic partner as indicated in the event’s agenda. In an exceptional initiative, BFG will present to Riyadh Chamberin gratitude and appreciation for its support of this event, a financial return in the form of a percentage to be deducted from the revenues of the promotional campaign related to the technical voting via the Saudi-Emirati Business Platform. We hope you provide us with a letter addressed to BFG containing an approval of Riyadh Chamberto be a strategic partner and general coordinatoras all phases of the multi road shows program are held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
We also hope that your letter would be accompanied by a bank account number in the name of Suadi Chamber so that the bank is provided by the agreed upon payment method. Phases 1 and 2 of voting campaign and inclusive publication program for the top 10 Saudi-Emirati cities will be launched from 30/03/2021 until 30/10/2021. After that, the multi road shows program will start from 10/30/2021 until 10/330/2022. Riyadh Chamber is to benefit from the multi-media campaign as outlined in phase 7 of the event’s agenda, which is implemented by BFG through its media arm, printed and digital Business and Finance Club Magazine, starting from the monthly issue of each candidate city. The first issue will be issued in conjunction with the 50th UAE National Day, as Riyadh is the best Saudi city attracting investment in the voting campaign for the top 10 Saudi-Emirati cities. Riyadh Chamber is the best performer for the year 2021-2022. As you have been granted the Economic Personality of the Year Award in Riyadh for your efforts in support of your city development, we value support of Riyadh Chamber for this event, particularly in such joint national events between both brother countries.
For more information and given the imminent launch of the voting and promotion campaign, we hope to set an appointment for the specialized work team to make a detailed explanation of the program’s activities if necessary. We hope to receive your response as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Eng. Emad bin Mohammed Al Hati
Chairman of Business & Finance Group
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