Although we are in the holy month of Ramada (April 12 – May 12), there are some important questions that fitness people have about keeping their exercise routines while fasting. Keeping healthy during this period of fasting and prayer may seem challenging, but it is possible if you plan.
While those who follow the fast are not authorized to drink water or consume from sunrise to sunset, fitness professionals recommend that exercising and leading a balanced lifestyle can be accomplished.
The Independent enlisted the aid of three practicing Muslim personal trainers:
1. Stay hydrated in the morning:
Drinking quite enough water as possible between Iftar (your sunset meal) and Suhoor (your pre-dawn meal) will help you avoid dehydration later in the day, particularly if you intend to exercise, according to personal trainer Sunny Salique. “Until sundown, it's the only water you'll consume, which means you'll be fasting for well over 12 hours. Before sunrise, I drink four large glasses of water to make sure I'm hydrated throughout the day.”
2. Track your golden hour:
If you're fasting, find a workout time that works for you. Salique explains, "I train in the evening, many hours after I've ended my fast because it allows me to drink water throughout my sessions and without worrying about dehydration."
Souad Gharib, the owner of a women-only personal training facility, claims that doing her workouts early in the morning keeps her invigorated during the tough afternoon hours when hunger and exhaustion are common. "I am whacked out in the evenings during Ramadan. Exercising in the morning, before breaking my fast, works for me since I feel like I have a little more energy.”
3. Join a 24 hours gym
There's no reason to give up your preferred exercise method if you enjoy lifting weights in the gym. “Most gyms shut at 10 p.m., but joining a nearby 24-hour gym for the month of Ramadan allows you to exercise after you've broken your fast or in between prayers,” Salique says.
4. Try doing some strength training
You may enjoy HIIT workouts, but it's a good idea to turn to less strenuous exercise with lower attempts and more rest time. “During Ramadan, I handle my workouts slowly and focus on strength training. That way, I can continue with my leg days, upper body days, and split days while not perspiring heavily and being dehydrated. It's slow and steady for me; I'm not trying to beat my record.” Gharib says.
5. Start your day with a hearty breakfast:
Salique suggests, "Eat a healthy breakfast (before sunrise) with complex carbs. For me, that means plenty of oats and nuts, and dates and bananas, because this will provide you with slow-release strength throughout the day and keep you full and satisfied.”
6. Allow for recovery time:
Rest is necessary for your body to heal itself and for you to enjoy the benefits of your workout. It can be hard to have enough sleep when you're getting up early to pray and going to sleep late during Ramadan.
“Naps are essential for recovery. Gharib says he sleeps in after morning prayer at 5 a.m. and takes a nap before training at 9 a.m., while Salique says he sleeps in from 5 p.m. until it's time to break fast to revitalize himself.
7. Exercise every day, even if it's just for 10 minutes:
If a 45-minute workout is too stressful, exercise for a shorter period instead, but don't avoid physical activity entirely.
“Stretch, do yoga, go for a walk — whatever kind of exercise you feel comfortable doing,” says Nazia Khatun (@fitnessrebornuk1), a body transformation coach. "It would support your mental health since sitting all day — or sleeping — will make you feel much more exhausted and tired."
“I don't exercise for more than an hour, which is shorter than average for me, and I keep my workouts very simple to maintain during Ramadan,” Salique adds.
8. Indulge in your favorite foods without hesitations:
Khatun emphasizes that Ramadan is not the time to diet. “If you eat sensibly and consider reasonable food portions, you'll feel much better every day of Ramadan, which will boost your levels of energy during the fasting period.”