Door Is Being Open for Public Jewlish Life amidst Israel Ties by Gulf

Princess Tarfa

Diplomatic relation has been established within Israel, Bahrain and UAE resulting in the discretion of Jewish communities in Gulf regions. As they are living in the shadow of Arab-Israeli conflict they have to adapt the new public profile.

But now Kosher food is widely available in the market and Jewish holidays can be celebrated in a grandeur manner. In fact religious court has been held for solving the issues including divorces and marriages as well.

As per leader of Bahrain’s Jewish community, Ebrahim Nonoo things are improving slowly as online celebration is occurred for Purim holiday for Jews in this region. His prime goal is to obtain the acceptance of Jewish life in Arab region.

“However some more time may be needed to springing up of the kosher restaurant and Jewish restaurant in this region,” he continues to add. Even online celebration can’t be imagined a few years ago as relation with Israel was a myth!

But change can be witnessed last year when Bahrain and UAE brought millions of Israeli business persons and tourists who participate in fledged Jewish wedding and other ceremonies.

Certain people consider that a shift is notable progressively and associations are there for supporting Jewish populations in UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait including certifications for food products, restaurants, hotels and other religious events.

But still there are some Jewish people who feel unsafe in the Gulf region and hence hesitate to share their religious identity in public. But more and more famous personalities believe that Jewish tradition in this region becomes any other normal and accustomed Jewish lifestyle and their ideas are quite liberating.

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