The Emirate's Response Has Wide-Reaching Effect, as Demonstrated By a Ranking of 25 Leading Cities

Princess Tarfa

The response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Abu Dhabi has been ranked first.

The renowned London-based analytics consortium, Deep Knowledge Group, recently released a list of the world's 25 leading cities for their response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Abu Dhabi topped the list (DKG). The rating, which is based on 50 variables across 5 groups, covering the healthcare and the economy, illustrates the emirate's pandemic response's broad reach.

Abu Dhabi has set a global standard for efficient and accurate response, safeguarding the public's health and safety with constructive and rigorous precautionary measures while also promoting the economy with tax incentives that offered vital and ongoing support to all sectors of the local economy.

DKG rated the cities that were reported as having the most successful pandemic reaction. The following criteria were used to evaluate the cities: healthcare management (efficient infrastructure, human capabilities and efficient medical staffs, advanced tools, effectiveness of diagnostic systems, number of beds in hospitals, expenditure on the healthcare sector). Other things are, vaccination rates (availability of vaccine, vaccination prices per capita, and home-vaccination services); government effectiveness (monitoring systems, strategic planning, faith in government, and digital government); and health quarantine systems (home quarantine scope and period, financial support for quarantined people, travel instructions and prohibitions, legal action against home quarantine offenders) (incentive packages, exclusions, social support and credit rating).

Seoul, Sydney, Singapore, Ottawa, and Berlin also followed.

Because of Abu Dhabi's strong response to the pandemic, the city has developed a low rate of positive cases while adapting and expanding healthcare to protect every member of society. Field clinics, mass testing centers, and screening stations, which included a drive-through, were set up in a matter of weeks. Vulnerable neighborhoods were given priority in new projects, which included free testing and health tests, the provision of millions of free meals, health literacy programs in multiple languages, and psychological counseling.

The city has spearheaded research and growth, aided scientific advances, and joined global attempts to find a vaccine, including heading the world's first Phase III trials of an inactivated viral vaccine. More than half of the UAE's qualifying community has already received a free vaccine thanks to Abu Dhabi's contribution to the UAE's vaccination program.

The Hope Consortium was also formed in Abu Dhabi to organize the supply of billions of doses of the Covid-19 vaccine throughout the world. Covid-19 vaccines have been made available worldwide thanks to a public-private collaboration led by the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi and strategic alliances.

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