LuLu announces the Saudi Mango Festival and signs a deal with MEWA to promote local farmers

Princess Tarfa

LuLu, the Middle East's largest hypermarket chain, has introduced Saudi Mango Week, a festival of homegrown mango species. This is the first time such an event to highlight the Kingdom's indigenous mango varietals has been arranged.

LuLu has sourced more than 20 types of the tropical fruit from around the Kingdom for the festival, and the campaign began on June 9, 2021, with excellent bargains and discounts on the newly imported assortment of mangoes, which are accessible throughout all LuLu stores in the Kingdom.

Eng. Suliman Aljutaily (general manager of cooperative societies, MEWA, KSA) attended the festival on June 9, 2021 at LuLu Hypermarket Atyaf Mall Yarmouk Riyadh. On same day, a contract was inked between LuLu Saudi Hypermarkets and the Cooperative Societies Council to advertise and sell Saudi-made agricultural goods through LuLu Hypermarkets across Saudi Arabia.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Abdullah Kadman, chairman of the Cooperative Societies Council, and Shehim Muhammed, director of LuLu Saudi Hypermarkets, in the presence of Eng. Ahmed Al Ayadah, deputy minister of MEWA.

According to Al Ayadah, "LuLu is one of the major corporations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with both a local and regional influence." We place a high value on them as a key participant who will assist us in increasing agricultural markets, particularly for small farmers and association members.”

“We are thrilled to strike an agreement with the Cooperative Societies Council for the benefit of local farmers all across the Kingdom,” Mohammed remarked. The LuLu organisation is concentrating on making their lives simpler by obtaining agricultural output straight from farms and without the difficulties in between.

“In terms of the Saudi mango week, we have seen tremendous support from our customers throughout the years, and we anticipate that this festival will be a huge success once again. Many people of many ethnicities like this tropical fruit.”

Savor the richest flavors of the most diverse home-grown mango selection are: Americi, Gelenth, Hindi, Zibdha Ahmer, Zibdha Pakistani, Tommy, Birbir, Bombay, Geeith, Kuri, Phonse, Samak Akdhar, Samak, Samak Sudani, Selasation, Senara, Zibdha, Zibdha Zinnara, Green Mango, Sudani and Zill Mango.

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