Northern Ireland witness three nights of violence as tensions increases

Princess Tarfa

Violent clashes occurred in Northern Ireland over the weekend, escalating tensions in an area ravaged by sectarian violence in the past. Police in Belfast and Derry/Londonderry were attacked with petrol bombs and cars were stolen and set alight for the third night in a row on Sunday.

According to a statement from the Northern Ireland Police Service, children as young as 12 were engaged in the clashes (PSNI).

Police described it as a "planned and executed assault." 30 petrol bombs were thrown at police in Newtownabbey, Belfast, and three vehicles were stolen and set ablaze. Following a decision not to punish leaders of the Irish nationalist party, Sinn Fein, for allegedly violating coronavirus restrictions by attending the funeral of a former leading IRA figure during lockdown last year, riots erupted in both cities on Friday. The decision is currently being reconsidered.

It also comes as public outrage grows over a section of the Brexit withdrawal agreement known as the Northern Ireland Protocol, which seeks to remove the necessity for border controls between Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK and the Republic of Ireland and is a member of the European Union.

Instead, it establishes a de facto barrier across the Irish Sea, as goods entering Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom are subject to EU inspections, an action that has enraged pro-British Unionists.

The escalating violence was deemed "unjustifiable" by police, who urged locals to help neutralize neighborhood tensions to avoid additional incidents.

"It's possible for things to escalate out of control," David Campbell, chairman of the Loyalist Communities Council, told CNN recently. "That's why discussion needs to take place, but for the Covid sanctions, there would have already been protests. I've no doubt the ports would have been besieged."

"We're saying to break up the deal that splits up the United Kingdom, break up the deal that disintegrates all the promises you made to the people of Northern Ireland that you will have unrestricted access to your biggest market in GB (Great Britain)," Democratic Unionist Party MP Sammy Wilson told CNN's Nic Robertson during a recent trip to Northern Ireland.

"This evening we have tragically seen running scuffles between young people and the PSNI in the Sandy Row area following a demonstration that was orchestrated by loyalists against the regulation," Sinn Féin MP Paul Maskey said in a statement.

"I call on the DUP and political unionism to demonstrate leadership, to stop their hateful nonsense, and to ensure an immediate de-escalation of conflicts," Maskey concluded.

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