Water Tank Maintenance :
Project and Construction Services, Inc. (PCS) provides a full range of construction services from the conceptual design phase through the facility-commissioning phase.
Knife River Corporation is skilled in the construction and maintenance of airport facilities throughout the United States. Our companies have the expertise to carefully coordinate the work to be performed in a manner that meets all Federal Aviation Administration requirements, including safety of not only our workforce, but also of the air traveling public; increased levels of security; stringent material specifications and tight project deadlines.
The contract, recently approved by the Wayne County Airport Authority Board, will allow the Airport Authority’s Facilities and Infrastructure Management Division to perform necessary pavement rehabilitation on public roadways and the airfields, which cannot be completed by in-house maintenance staff due to the scope and complexity of such repairs. The Airport Authority anticipates spending as much as $7.9 million over the three-year maximum term of the contract depending on actual needs and the availability of funds.
Mark is an airport maintenance engineer and it is his job to keep everything running smoothly, from escalators to conveyor belts and heating systems to ventilation units.
The reactive work is about responding to operational problems and helping to keep everything up and running. The scheduled work is the planned maintenance we carry out on a regular basis, and involves fault finding and carrying out safety checks. I get allocated jobs daily. Some I can repair there and then, but with others I need to fill in a report, pass that back to the management and then repair it at a later date, often at night, because it involves shutting the equipment down.
The installation work can involve anything from a light fitting in the toilets, to airfield ground lighting systems. So as you can see, no two days are the same.
Pavement Preservation and Maintenance

In May 2003, the Airport Technical Assistance Program, also known as AirTAP, sponsored a one-day
workshop on airport pavement maintenance at Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.
Participants learned about preventive maintenance, pavement distress and identification, and best
practices for the maintenance of concrete, asphalt, and turf pavements. The workshop focused on the
special materials required at airports, and how aircraft loading conditions result in specific distresses. It
also covered the special maintenance needs associated with turf runways and taxiways.
Workshop instructors were Ann Johnson, P.E., and Gene Skok, Ph.D., both instructors at the University
of Minnesota. Johnson has worked as an airport designer and resident engineer for several years and is
president of Professional Engineering Services. Skok teaches pavement courses in the University’s
Infrastructure Management program and has worked on pavement research and design for over 30 years.
Airport Lighting/Navaids
In May 2002, the Airport Technical Assistance Program, also known as AirTAP,
sponsored three airport-lighting training sessions at different locations in Minnesota.
These sessions were designed to offer practical-yet-specialized training and information
outreach for personnel operating, maintaining, and administering Minnesotas public-use
airports. This particular series provided information on airport lighting and navigational
aid equipment selection, funding, maintenance, and operation.
John Schroeder, airport lighting engineer for Mn/DOT Aeronautics, facilitated the sharing of ideas and best practices among session participants, including airport managers, maintenance staff, consultants, and elected officials. Schroeder began his career as an electronics technician at Control Data Corporation and worked for Unisys in computer engineering and development until joining Mn/DOT Aeronautics in 1989.

Snow and Ice Control
In September and October of 2003, AirTAP once again sponsored working sessions—one in
Rochester and another in Park Rapids—on airport snow and ice control. Jim Moriarty of Peer
Associations (formerly fleet manager for the MSP Metropolitan Airports Commission) served as
the technical expert for the session. Moriarty drew on his extensive experience, having been
responsible for all of the equipment used to maintain the airfields at MSP International Airport,
and shared his thoughts on the responsibility of the airport operator regarding snow and ice
AirTAP program consultant Ann Johnson of Professional Engineering Services facilitated the
sharing of ideas and best practices among session participants and provided the summary
information for this “highlights” document.
AirTAP is a statewide assistance program for aviation personnel that offers practical instruction
by knowledgeable and experienced trainers, as well as a range of information resources.
AirTAP’s efforts include providing training programs, technical assistance, access to experts,
and printed materials.
Environmental Impacts
Erosion can be a problem in many airfield
areas. Erosion and sedimentation affect local water quality, the health and appearance
of airfield areas, and the structural
integrity of the site. Effective erosion
control requires an integrated approach
that takes into account government regulations
and erosion control methods (see
examples in Figs. 1 and 2). This article
outlines several considerations for erosion
control at airports.
Erosion is caused when soil is washed
away by wind or water, resulting in deposited
sediment. During a rainfall, bare soil
can lose up to 100 times more sediment
than well-vegetated soil. Established
vegetation preserves soil and reduces the
effects of erosion.
During construction, erosion is a bigger
problem. The erosion rate per acre on
construction sites is much greater than on

Runway Safety
Fueling operations should be checked daily
as part of an airport’s self-inspection process
to ensure compliance with local fire safety
codes. The inspection should also include
a check of security, fire protection, general
housekeeping, and fuel dispensing facilities.
Self-inspection is the primary responsibility
of the airport owner, operator, or authorized
representative. During this daily check
of aircraft fueling operations, the airport
Wildlife Control
